Khvay Samnang with Nget Rady
About the Artist
Khvay Samnang is one of Cambodia’s most widely exhibited visualartists. Born 1982 and based in Phnom Penh, he has exhibited in 15countries to date, including in the Singapore Biennale and Asian ArtBiennial, Taipei (2013), Moscow Biennale (2014), and Arles PhotographyFestival (2008 and 2011). He was awarded a year-long residency atBerlin’s Kunstlerhaus Bethanien (2014-15)
Nget Rady is a contemporary dancer with over 15 years of training andexperience. Born 1988 and based in Phnom Penh, his career highlightsinclude performing at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City (inEmmanuele Phuon’s Khmeropédies III, 2013) and being a featureddancer in Arco Renz’s Crack, which was awarded the 2012 ZKB prize inZurich
Where Is My Land is a collaboration between internationally celebrated Cambodian visual artist Khvay Samnang and internationally acclaimed Cambodian dancer Nget Rady, working together for the first time. The mesmerizing three-channel video, and accompanyingdigital photographic prints, show Rady dancing in three locations around the Cambodian capital city, Phnom Penh.
The pumping of sand from Cambodian rivers for private development purposes has been identified as a primary cause of erosion, and a serious source of environmental harm and forced eviction. Nget Rady’s performance in each of these locations responds to the intensity of the physical environment. The dance is mostly improvised, with fine muscle twitches and expressive looks creatinga sense of intimacy with the camera and viewer.
A tantalizing narrative begins to emerge, with the dancing figure appearing displaced, disturbed,desperate. Several hundred homes have fallen into Cambodia’s rivers in recent years, and several deaths have been reported. Villagersblame the extreme erosion on sand-dredging barges and pipelines, the sound of which torments them day and night. With few options forcompensation and little if any access to the luxury developments for which the sand is being mined, many are left wondering: Where Is My Land? Below are photographic images from the video.
Works in our Collection
Khvay Samnang & Nget Rady
Where is my land (Composite image of 6)
Chromogenic print on archival paper
Edition 1/3
90 x 200 cm
Khvay Samnang & Nget Rady
Where is my land (Composite image of 8)
Chromogenic print on archival paper
Edition 1/3
90 x 267cm